White Plains Medical Malpractice Lawyers

At Cooper Law, located in White Plains, New York, we specialize in representing clients affected by medical malpractice. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to providing compassionate and expert legal support to individuals and families who have suffered due to medical negligence. We understand the significant physical, emotional, and financial toll that medical malpractice can impose, and we are committed to helping you secure the compensation and justice you deserve.

Medical Malpractice: Comprehensive Legal Support

Medical malpractice occurs when healthcare providers fail to meet the standard of care, resulting in harm to patients. At Cooper Law, we handle a wide range of medical malpractice cases, including:

  • Medical Negligence and Healthcare Provider Failures
  • Childbirth Injuries
  • Misdiagnosis
  • Surgical Errors
  • Medication Errors
  • Defective Medical Equipment

Medical Negligence and Healthcare Provider Failures

Medical negligence, a form of professional malpractice, encompasses any action or failure to act by a healthcare provider that diverges from established standards of care, leading to harm or injury to a patient. This broad definition encompasses errors committed by doctors, nurses, surgeons, specialists, pharmacists, therapists, and any other healthcare professionals involved in patient diagnosis, treatment, or aftercare.

Definition and Scope: Medical negligence occurs when a healthcare provider fails to meet the accepted standard of care expected in their field of practice. This standard is based on what a reasonable healthcare provider with similar training and experience would do under similar circumstances. Deviations from this standard can result in serious harm to patients.

Examples of Medical Negligence: Common examples include misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis of a medical condition, surgical errors such as wrong-site surgery or leaving surgical instruments inside a patient, medication errors involving incorrect dosage or administration, failure to obtain informed consent, birth injuries due to improper delivery techniques, inadequate monitoring of patients, and failure to provide appropriate follow-up care.

Legal Basis: Medical negligence forms the basis for medical malpractice claims. To establish a claim, certain elements must typically be proven:

  • Duty: The healthcare provider owed a duty of care to the patient.
  • Breach: The provider breached that duty by failing to meet the standard of care.
  • Causation: The breach of duty directly caused the patient’s injury or harm.
  • Damages: The patient suffered measurable harm or damages as a result of the provider’s actions or omissions.

Complexity and Expertise: Medical malpractice cases are complex and require specialized legal expertise. Attorneys handling these cases work closely with medical experts to analyze medical records, interpret procedures, and assess whether the care provided met the requisite standard. Expert testimony is often crucial to establishing the breach of duty and causation.

Compensation: If negligence is proven, patients may be entitled to compensation for damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, rehabilitation costs, and in cases of wrongful death, funeral expenses and loss of companionship.

Patient Advocacy: Legal representation in medical negligence cases serves to advocate for patients who have suffered harm due to substandard medical care. Attorneys seek accountability on behalf of their clients and strive to secure fair compensation to help them recover and move forward.

If you or a loved one has experienced harm due to medical negligence, it’s essential to consult with a qualified medical malpractice attorney. They can provide guidance, evaluate your case, and advocate for your rights to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact our firm today for a confidential consultation to discuss your situation and explore your legal options.

Our Approach to Medical Negligence Cases

Thorough Investigation

We conduct a comprehensive investigation to determine the extent of negligence and identify all liable parties. This may involve reviewing medical records, consulting with medical experts, and gathering witness statements.

Medical Collaboration

We work closely with medical professionals to understand the extent of your injuries and necessary treatment. This helps us accurately assess the financial needs for ongoing care and rehabilitation.

Aggressive Representation

Our attorneys are skilled negotiators and litigators. Whether through settlement negotiations or courtroom litigation, we fight tirelessly to secure maximum compensation for our clients. This includes compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs.

Personalized Support

We provide personalized, compassionate support to our clients and their families throughout the legal process, ensuring they have access to the resources and information they need during this challenging time.

Childbirth Injuries

Childbirth injuries resulting from medical negligence during pregnancy, labor, or delivery can have profound and lasting effects on both the mother and the child. These injuries occur when healthcare providers fail to uphold the standard of care expected in managing pregnancy and childbirth, leading to preventable harm or complications.

Types of Childbirth Injuries: There are various types of childbirth injuries that can result from medical negligence:

Birth Trauma: Physical injuries to the infant, such as fractures, nerve damage (brachial plexus injuries), or soft tissue injuries due to excessive force during delivery.

Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE): Brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation during childbirth, leading to developmental delays, cerebral palsy, or other neurological impairments.

Maternal Injuries: Complications such as uterine rupture, excessive bleeding (postpartum hemorrhage), infections, or injuries related to cesarean section procedures.

Causes of Medical Negligence:

Common factors contributing to childbirth injuries due to medical negligence include:

Failure to Monitor: Inadequate fetal monitoring during labor, leading to delays in recognizing fetal distress or complications.
Delayed Diagnosis or Treatment: Failure to diagnose and treat conditions such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or infections during pregnancy.
Surgical Errors: Mistakes during cesarean section procedures, such as improper incisions or surgical complications.
Medication Errors: Administration of incorrect medications or dosages during labor and delivery.

Long-term Impact: Childbirth injuries can result in significant long-term health issues and complications for both mother and child. Infants may face developmental delays, physical disabilities, cognitive impairments, or lifelong medical needs. Mothers may experience chronic pain, infertility, or emotional trauma.

Our Approach to Childbirth Injury Cases

Comprehensive Investigation

We investigate the circumstances surrounding the injury, including reviewing prenatal care, delivery records, and consulting with obstetric experts.

Medical Collaboration

We work with medical professionals to evaluate the full extent of the injuries and necessary treatments for both mother and child, ensuring an accurate assessment of long-term medical needs.

Strong Advocacy

Our attorneys are dedicated to fighting for your rights and securing the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, future care needs, pain and suffering, and other related costs.

Ongoing Support

We provide ongoing, continuous support to our clients, helping them navigate the legal and medical challenges that follow a childbirth injury.


Misdiagnosis occurs when a healthcare provider fails to correctly diagnose a patient’s condition, leading to improper treatment or delayed treatment. This can result in worsened health outcomes and additional complications.

Our Approach to Misdiagnosis Cases

Detailed Investigation:

We investigate the diagnostic process, including reviewing medical records, consulting with medical experts, and gathering witness statements.

Medical Collaboration

We work closely with medical professionals to understand the extent of harm caused by the misdiagnosis and necessary treatments.

Dedicated Advocacy

Our attorneys fight to secure compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs.

Personalized Support

Our team provides ongoing personalized support, ensuring our clients understand their rights and options throughout the legal process.

Surgical Errors

Surgical errors represent a significant category of medical malpractice, encompassing a range of preventable mistakes during surgical procedures that can lead to severe injuries or fatalities. These errors highlight lapses in patient safety protocols and deviations from established standards of care by healthcare providers.

Types of Surgical Errors:

Wrong-Site Surgery: Performing surgery on the wrong body part or patient, a critical error often resulting from communication failures or inadequate preoperative verification procedures.

Anesthesia Errors: Mistakes in administering anesthesia, such as improper dosage, failure to monitor the patient’s vital signs during surgery, or allergic reactions to anesthesia medications.

Postoperative Complications: Inadequate postoperative care leading to infections, hemorrhage, organ damage, or other complications that could have been prevented with proper monitoring and follow-up.

Causes of Surgical Errors*:

Communication Breakdowns: Miscommunication between surgical team members regarding patient identity, surgical site, or medical history.

Lack of Preoperative Planning: Failure to review patient records, verify surgical site markings, or ensure readiness of equipment and resources.

Inadequate Training or Supervision: Surgeons or medical staff lacking sufficient training, experience, or supervision to perform the procedure safely.
Fatigue or Overwork: Long hours and high workload contributing to fatigue among healthcare providers, impairing judgment and performance during surgery.

Impact of Surgical Errors:

Patient Harm: Surgical errors can result in severe physical injuries, prolonged recovery times, permanent disabilities, or even fatalities.

Emotional and Psychological Impact: Patients and their families often experience significant emotional distress, trauma, and loss of trust in healthcare providers and medical facilities.

Financial Burden: Additional medical expenses for corrective surgeries, prolonged hospital stays, rehabilitation, and ongoing medical care can impose financial strain on affected individuals and families.

Legal Considerations:

Medical Malpractice Claims: Patients harmed by surgical errors may pursue legal action against responsible healthcare providers and facilities. To succeed in a medical malpractice claim, plaintiffs must establish that the surgical error resulted from negligence or a breach of the standard of care.

Expert Testimony Expert medical testimony is crucial in demonstrating how the error occurred, its preventability, and the resulting harm to the patient.

Compensation: Successful medical malpractice claims can provide compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages incurred as a result of the surgical error.

Our Approach to Surgical Error Cases

Thorough Investigation

We conduct a comprehensive investigation to determine the cause of the surgical error and identify all liable parties. This may involve reviewing surgical records, consulting with surgical experts, and gathering witness statements.

Medical Collaboration

We work closely with medical professionals to understand the extent of your injuries and necessary treatment.

Aggressive Representation

Our attorneys fight tirelessly to secure maximum compensation for our clients.

Personalized Support

We provide personalized compassionate support to our clients and their families throughout the legal process.

Medication Errors

Medication errors encompass a wide range of mistakes in the prescription, dispensing, or administration of medications that can result in serious health complications or even fatalities. These errors highlight critical lapses in patient safety protocols and deviations from the accepted standards of care in healthcare settings.

Types of Medication Errors:

Incorrect Prescriptions:

Healthcare providers may prescribe the wrong medication for a patient’s condition due to misdiagnosis, incorrect interpretation of medical records, or lack of familiarity with the patient’s medical history.

Dosage Mistakes: Errors in calculating or administering medication dosages, which can result in overdoses or underdoses that compromise treatment effectiveness or lead to toxicity.

Administration Errors: Mistakes in medication administration by healthcare staff, including incorrect route (e.g., intravenous instead of oral), timing errors, or failure to adhere to medication instructions.

Causes of Medication Errors:

Communication Breakdowns: Inadequate communication between healthcare providers during prescription, dispensing, or administration processes.

Human Factors: Fatigue, stress, distractions, or high workload contributing to errors by healthcare professionals.

Lack of Training or Protocol: Insufficient training or protocols for medication management and administration in healthcare facilities.

Systemic Issues: Deficiencies in medication labeling, packaging, or storage that contribute to confusion or errors.

Impact of Medication Errors:

Patient Harm: Medication errors can result in adverse drug reactions, exacerbation of medical conditions, new health complications, or even fatalities.
Long-term Health Effects: Some errors may lead to long-term health issues requiring additional medical treatment, rehabilitation, or monitoring.

Emotional and Psychological Toll: Patients and their families often experience emotional distress, anxiety, and loss of trust in healthcare providers and institutions.

Legal Considerations:

Medical Malpractice Claims: Patients harmed by medication errors may pursue legal action against healthcare providers or facilities responsible for the error. To succeed in a medical malpractice claim, plaintiffs must demonstrate that the error resulted from negligence or a breach of the standard of care.

Expert Testimony: Expert medical testimony is essential to establish how the medication error occurred, its preventability, and the resulting harm to the patient.

Compensation: Successful medical malpractice claims can provide compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages incurred as a result of the medication error.

Preventative Measures and Advocacy:

Healthcare facilities and providers must implement robust medication safety protocols, including double-checking prescriptions, using electronic prescribing systems, and ensuring clear communication among healthcare teams.

Patients should actively participate in their care by asking questions about medications prescribed, understanding dosages and potential side effects, and reporting any concerns or discrepancies to healthcare providers.

Our Approach to Medication Error Cases

Comprehensive Investigation

We investigate the circumstances surrounding the medication error, including reviewing medical records and consulting with pharmacological experts.

Medical Collaboration

We work with medical professionals to evaluate the full extent of harm caused by the error and necessary treatments.

Strong Advocacy

Our attorneys fight to secure compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs.

Ongoing Support

We provide ongoing support to our clients, helping them navigate the legal and medical challenges following a medication error.

Defective Medical Equipment

Defective medical equipment poses a significant risk to patient safety during diagnosis, treatment, or surgery, potentially resulting in severe injuries or complications. These cases often lead to product liability claims against manufacturers, highlighting failures in product design, manufacturing, or warnings about potential risks associated with the equipment.

Types of Defective Medical Equipment:

Faulty Diagnostic Devices: Incorrect readings or misdiagnoses due to malfunctioning imaging equipment, laboratory instruments, or testing devices.

Surgical Tools and Instruments: Malfunctioning surgical instruments or tools that can cause surgical errors, tissue damage, or infections during procedures.

Implantable Devices: Defective implants such as pacemakers, artificial joints, or mesh implants that fail prematurely or cause adverse reactions in patients.

Monitoring Equipment: Errors in vital signs monitoring devices or infusion pumps that can lead to improper patient care or medication administration.

Causes of Defects

Design Defects: Flaws in the original design of the medical equipment that make it inherently unsafe or prone to malfunction.

Manufacturing Defects: Errors that occur during the manufacturing process, resulting in defects that deviate from the intended design specifications.

Labeling or Instruction Issues: Inadequate warnings, instructions, or training materials provided with the equipment, leading to improper use or safety hazards.

Failure to Warn: Manufacturers’ failure to adequately warn healthcare providers and patients about known risks associated with the use of the equipment.

Legal Basis for Product Liability Claims:

Strict Liability: Manufacturers are held strictly liable for injuries caused by defective products without requiring proof of negligence.

Negligence: Claims can also be based on allegations of negligence in designing, manufacturing, or distributing the equipment.

Breach of Warranty: Breach of express or implied warranties that the equipment is safe and fit for its intended purpose.

Causation and Damages: Plaintiffs must establish that the defect directly caused their injuries or complications, resulting in damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs.

Legal Challenges and Expert Testimony:

Proving a product liability claim involving defective medical equipment often requires expert testimony from medical professionals, engineers, or other specialists to demonstrate how the defect caused harm and to quantify the damages incurred.

Product liability cases involving medical equipment can be complex, involving multiple parties such as manufacturers, distributors, and healthcare facilities.

Our Approach to Defective Medical Equipment Cases

Detailed Investigation

We investigate the defect, including reviewing maintenance records, consulting with engineering experts, and gathering evidence of product defects.

Medical Collaboration

We work closely with medical professionals to understand the extent of your injuries and necessary treatment.

Dedicated Advocacy

Our attorneys fight to secure compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs.

Personalized Support

Our team provides personalized, ongoing support, ensuring our clients understand their rights and options throughout the legal process.

Why Choose Cooper Law?

Experienced Legal Team

Our attorneys have extensive experience handling medical malpractice cases, with a proven track record of successful outcomes.

Client-Centered Approach

We prioritize our clients’ needs and work closely with them to understand their unique circumstances and goals.

Comprehensive Resources

We leverage a network of medical, vocational, and financial experts to build robust cases and support our clients’ recovery.

Dedicated Advocacy

We are committed to fighting for justice and fair compensation for our clients, ensuring they have the resources needed to rebuild their lives.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has been affected by medical malpractice, contact Cooper Law today for a free consultation. Our team is here to provide the legal support and advocacy you need during this difficult time. Let us help you navigate the path to recovery and secure the compensation you deserve.